Managing Content: Using the Hub Admin Panel
Hub administrators can manage hub content via the Hub Admin Panel. To access the Admin panel select Hub Settings on your hub. Note that this option is only visible to Hub and Site level admins.
The Admin panel is organized into sections. You can navigate between the sections using the navigation panel on the left
Section 1: Settings - Update the design elements of the hub including logos, images, and about copy in your Settings section.

- Navigation panel - This navigation panel appear inside each section. Use this panel to navigate between the hub panel settings.
- Title - This is the title of your hub. Changing the title of your hub will change the title on your hub landing page, but it will not change your hub url.
- Description - This is the tagline that appears below your hub title. We recommend 280 characters or less.
- Logo - This version of your logo will appear on the hub page. You can choose to leave blank if desired. The ideal image size is 150x150.
- Cover - Upload your hub cover image here.
- Cover logo - This version of your logo will appear on the All Hubs page. If you do not select a cover logo, then your standard logo will appear on the hubs page. NOTE: This feature can be helpful if you have a logo that would look better in one color on your hub page, and another color on the All hubs page.
- Color wash - The color overlay adds a color wash to your cover image. This can help unify the landing page and make it easier to read text.
- Text color - Choose white or black text to provide contrast against your cover image.
- About - If you have selected to use the About section, then you will see the option to edit your About text in this section: Title - Specify the name for your about section. Text - create and edit the text of your about section.
Section II: Members - You can manage your hub members inside the Members section of the Admin panel. Here you can add, remove, or edit the role for members of your hub. Hub members can receive hub notifications and communications that are sent via the announcement tool. You can also view usage activity of hub members inside your reporting section. All members of hub groups are automatically members of the Hub and will appear in your members chart.
See: Hub Members for details on this section.
Section II: Groups - Add an existing group to your Hub or create a new one using the groups chart.
See: Hub Groups for details on this section.
Section IV: Collections - Associate collections with your hub. Your system admin will create new collections specifically for your hub, but you can also feature existing OER Commons collections.
Hub users will be able to access all hub collection content within their LMS via LTI.
- Search for a collection in the Featured item drop-down menu and select from the list
- Choose the order in which your collections will appear by adding a number in Order field
- Choose which Collection sets your collection will appear in by selecting the set title in the Display in the field.
- Add the collection to your hub.
See: Hub Collections for more details.
Section V: Announcements - Communicate with your hub members by posting announcements. You can make an announcement active (visible) or inactive (no longer visible) on the Hub page and choose to send an email notification to your members. Create a new announcement, delete or edit an existing announcement using the Announcement chart.
Section VI: Activity Reports - View activity summaries and details for your hub members inside the Activity Reports.